Sea almond leaves
  • Sea almond leaves
  • Sea almond leaves
  • Sea almond leaves
  • Sea almond leaves
  • Sea almond leaves

Sea almond leaves

Tax included

Dried catappa leaves The Pet Factory: 

  • Great decoration for natural looking terrariums;
  • They can also be used in aquaterrariums;
  • Perfect for breeding isopods, millipedes, snails and ornamental insects;
  • Excellent as food for shrimps, snails, crabs, hermit crabs and tadpoles.

Seemandelbaumblätter: Sea Almond

The package includes: 10 leaves.


Seemandelbaumblätter: Sea Almond/Catappa.

Dried sea almond leaves are traditionally used in the Far East to prepare aquarium water.

The leaves prevent diseases and reduce the use of expensive drugs. Depending on the size of the aquarium, add one to three leaves per month (1 leaf per 100l, max 2).

A yellowish color of the water is completely natural and harmless. It is due to the dissolution of humic substances.

Shrimp, crabs and hermit crabs appreciate the leaves as a welcome addition to their diet.


Data sheet


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